Radical restoration- workshop
Laboratory for postanthropocentric bodies in damaged landscapes

The workshop starts with the identification of a specific environmental crime in order to contextualize the crime in which the group is positioning in times of climate emergency.
During the workshop the participants will connect personal memory with collective history, and explore the relationship of proximity, distance and empathy towards the harm of damaged landscapes. Through a process of restorative justice we will discover potential ways of dealing with human collective trauma provoked by the loss of landscapes and the spectral cosmology that comes from more than human harm. Together we will navigate through practices ofrestorative justice, systemic constellations and conscious contract as a way to deal with emotions that can be turn into active regenerative actions to restore nature.
Process and outcomes:
- Defining state a of emergency in relation to personal environmental crime
- Identifying the of all parties involved such as:
The ones in power – Ceo's and governments /The ones with agency- ngo’s, activists, doctors, toxicologists, biologists, police, economists (...) / Direct and silent victims- ancestors, future generations, human non-human communities /Guardians of non-human victims- appointed spoke persons/ Accomplices -workers from the company, consumers, residents(...) - design a “earth contract” as a legal binding agreement containing the rights of the parties involved and the compensation procedure.
duration: one full day
For more info on the workshop please contact: voiceofnaturekinstitute@gmail.com