The kinstitute is an artistic fabulation to unlearn and imagine new forms of multipescies justice through artistic, juridical, ritualistic and restorative justice practices.
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Working groups

Group 5 - 2021 Restorative circle for Rio Tejo in collaboration with Terra Batida
During our meetings we shared tools about rights of nature, artistic approaches to restorative gestures and activistic strategies in the ground for the protection of Rio Tejo.

Together we gathered with Margarida Mendes ( sonic researcher), Paulo Constantino( PROTEJO) Alvaro Fonseca ( Guarda rios collective), Ricardo Próspero and Ana Catarina Miranda (GEOTA), Rita Natálio, Alexandra Aragão ( environmental lawyer), Maria Ines Gameiro ( Advisor to the Minister of the Economy and Maritime Affairs).

Group 4 - 2021 Rights of nature for recognition of legal entity of Zenne River

Group 3 - 2021 Ecocide and Advocacy in collaboration with Green art Lab alliance
In this Working Group partners No Lugar (Ecuador), On the Move (Belgium), Invisible Flock (UK) and SAKA (Philippines) collaborate on connecting with policymakers and lawyers on making environmental crimes juridical crimes. Central questions include: What are the legal procedures to become a guardian of nature? How to articulate a relational jurisprudence as a guardian of nature? How do we represent Nature in court and how do we protect those who protect Nature?

Group 2 - 2020 River rights in collaboration with Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Gent university

In this working group of students from different disciplines investigate the current legal system in Belgium and the the possibility to recognize legal personality to rivers in a european context.

Group 1 - 2018 Ecocide and rights of nature in collaboration with Faculty of Law Ghent, coordinated by Hendrik Shoukens

Students of law get working assignments on the topic of ecocide, indigenous law and rights of nature

Member of the Alliance with European forum of restorative justice, contribution for publication Environmental justice Towards the future